<div class="table-container " tabindex="0" role="group">


                <td>Cell 1.1</td>
                <td>Cell 1.2</td>
                <td>Cell 1.3</td>

                <td>Cell 2.1</td>
                <td>Cell 2.2</td>
                <td>Cell 2.3</td>

                <td>Cell 3.1</td>
                <td>Cell 3.2</td>
                <td>Cell 3.3</td>
<div class="table-container {{classes}}" tabindex="0" role="group"{{#if caption}} aria-labelledby="{{caption.id}}"{{/if}}>
		{{#if head}}<thead>
				{{#each head.cells}}<th scope="col">{{{data}}}</th>{{/each}}
		{{#if foot}}<tfoot>
				{{#if foot.header}}<th scope="row">{{{foot.header}}}</th>{{/if}}
				{{#each foot.cells}}<td>{{{data}}}</td>{{/each}}
			{{#each rows}}<tr>
				{{#if header}}<th scope="row">{{{header}}}</th>{{/if}}
				{{#each cells}}<td>{{{data}}}</td>{{/each}}
  • Content:
     * Module: BYU Table
     * Desc:   Handle tables that are wider than thier container
    var byu_table = (function(){
    	'use strict';
    	var doc = document;
    	// Execute the function
    	byu_main.executeOnLoad( updateTables );
    	 * Func: UpdateTables
    	 * Desc: Detect and handle tables that are wider than their container.
    	 * 		 Works on tables contained within an element of class "table-container".
    	 * Args: none
    	function updateTables() {
    		var containers = doc.getElementsByClassName("table-container");
    		for (var i=0; i < containers.length; i++) {
    		    var container = containers[i];
    		    updateTable( container );
    	 * Func: UpdateTable
    	 * Desc: Check if a table is wider than its container, and mark scrolling position within it
    	 * Args: @container - HTML Element - A container element for a table (probably of class "table-container")
    	function updateTable( container ) {
    		var c_width = container.offsetWidth;
    	    var table = container. getElementsByTagName("table")[0];
    	    var t_width = table.offsetWidth;
    	    var table_wide_class = "table-wide";
    	    var start_visible_class = "start-visible";
    		var end_visible_class = "end-visible";
    	    if ( c_width < t_width ) {
    	    	// Add table wide class if it's not already there
    	    	if ( !container.hasClass( table_wide_class ) ) { 
    				container.addClass( table_wide_class );
    	    	// Check if the start of the table is visible and handle
    	    	if ( table.scrollLeft == 0 ) {
    	    		if ( !container.hasClass( start_visible_class ) ) {
    					container.addClass( start_visible_class );
    	    	} else {
    	    		container.removeClass( start_visible_class );
    	    	// Check if the end of the table is visible and handle
    	    	if ( t_width - table.scrollLeft == c_width ) {
    	    		if ( !container.hasClass( end_visible_class ) ) {
    					container.addClass( end_visible_class );
    	    	} else {
    	    		container.removeClass( end_visible_class );
    	    // The table is not too wide for its container
    	    else {
    	    	container.removeClass( table_wide_class );
  • URL: /components/raw/table/table.js
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/0-foundation/table/table.js
  • Size: 2.1 KB
  • Content:
    	overflow-x: auto
    	border-collapse: collapse
    		@extend .caption
    	.spacing-tight &, .spacing-extratight &
    		font-size: $fontSize16
    	font-weight: $font-weight-bold
    td, th
    	padding: $spacing3 $spacing4
    	border: 1px solid $colorLine
    	// border: none
    	text-align: left
    	vertical-align: top
    	line-height: 1.4
    	.border-row &
    		border-right: none
    		border-left: none
    	.border-open &
    		border: none
    	.spacing-tight &
    		padding: $spacing2 $spacing3
    	.spacing-extratight &
    		padding: $spacing1 $spacing2
    		border-left: none
    		padding-left: $spacing1
    		border-right: none
    		padding-right: $spacing2
    		td, th
    			border-top: none
    		td, th
    			border-bottom: none
    	border-bottom: 2px solid $colorLine
    	.border-open &
    		border-bottom: none
    	border-top: 2px solid $colorLine
    	.border-open &
    		border-top: none
    	background:	linear-gradient(90deg, white 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0)),linear-gradient(-90deg, white 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0)) 100% 0, linear-gradient(to right, #cccccc 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0)), linear-gradient(-90deg,  #cccccc 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0)) 100% 0%
    	background-repeat: no-repeat
    	background-color: #fff
    	background-size: 100px 100%, 100px 100%, 14px 100%, 14px 100%
    	background-attachment: local, local, scroll, scroll
  • URL: /components/raw/table/table.sass
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/0-foundation/table/table.sass
  • Size: 1.4 KB
  "heading": {
    "data": "Table Heading",
    "level": "h3"
  "caption": null,
  "head": null,
  "foot": null,
  "rows": [
      "cells": [
          "data": "Cell 1.1"
          "data": "Cell 1.2"
          "data": "Cell 1.3"
      "cells": [
          "data": "Cell 2.1"
          "data": "Cell 2.2"
          "data": "Cell 2.3"
      "cells": [
          "data": "Cell 3.1"
          "data": "Cell 3.2"
          "data": "Cell 3.3"